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Исламские каналы

Welcome to our channel Dinislam.Kz
Просмотров 126
We are glad to see you among our subscribers and look forward to sharing with you useful and quality content. Content creation is the work of many people, requiring a significant amount of time and money. Published on the channel associated with the other nascent projects, which should complement each other and to bring the maximum benefit. Copying (cloning) the content does not always help in our work. We hope for your understanding and please, in the future, to share our content with links, not copying (cloning) the video itself.If you see an urgent need and the obvious benefit of copying the video itself, despite our request, please adhere to the following rules:1) Make a copy (clone), not earlier than 30 days after the publication of videos on our channel
Просмотров 10708
Hello, dear viewers.I – Timur Shangareev. I live in Ufa, working with the head of Information-analytical center "New Reading". Study of socio-political processes and the development of Islamic intellectual method. Muslim.This blog was made in search of a new format of communication is not a mass medium and reflects only my thoughts and imagination. Any resemblance to real characters is purely coincidental and unintentional.Here I just Express my thoughts and ideas. Your thoughts can and should be Yours. If my point of view You don't like - you will. If You want my opinion, but there is ambiguity - ask questions that I can answer. Health for all of us, peace and prosperity.
Просмотров 3487
Peace be with you! On our channel you will find interesting information about Islam, including the latest foreign movies translated and dubbed us with the permission авторов.MIRadio.ru Muslim Internet radio broadcasting on 2012 for Russian-speaking audiences worldwide. Listen to us in Russia and the CIS countries, Europe and America, China, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, Japan and the Pacific. The channel broadcasts around the clock and available on any computer or mobile device with Internet access.Air Myradio fill a variety of programmes: the reading of the Koran in the original, translation of the meanings of the Scriptures in Russian language, hadeeth and preaching, lessons tajwid, beautiful. and nasheeds, interviews and news, history and geography, Islamic economy and Halal industry, family psychology and education of children. Myradio: we talk about what excites modern Ummah.
Просмотров 2995
This channel will tell you about Islam in all its manifestations. It will guide you through the pages of its history and tells about its heroes. He will immerse you in the beauty of Islam and I will lay before you the expanse of the Qur'an and Sunnah. He will tell you about modern issues from the point of view of Islam and show you the relationship of the religion of Islam with modern science. The channel will be of interest to both Muslims and non-Muslim audience! Subscribe and charge your faith and your Iman!
Просмотров 2892
The TV channel "Our National Television" is the best television programmes in different genres, devoted to one theme - the revival of traditions, culture and spirituality of the peoples of Dagestan. Since the launch of the distinctive feature of TV channel "Our National Television" is the high moral content of television programs, the highest quality of all composite parts of the channel – transmission, content, layout. Channel NNT includes projects that broadcast in all national languages of the peoples of Dagestan. TV channel NNT cover all areas of human life, devoted to different themes: sport, work, leisure, raising children, studying Islamic Sciences, languages, art, history, everything that concerns society and is created for society. NNT also covers in detail the work carried out at the rate of BMD. Goal - the revival of culture and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan, the development of moral, Patriotic, cultural values.
Просмотров 2698
The Academy of Qur'an you can study a Holy book and Arabic language from any level. Millions of people in the world memorize the Quran. Learn and share knowledge! Using a variety of modern teaching technologies developed by the project participants will be able to learn to read Quran, to learn the grammar of the Arabic language, to obtain a comprehensive knowledge of the major components of the Latest Scriptures.
Просмотров 2364
Islam Bismillah - Islamic video portal! The spread of Islam for the sake of Allah!On our channel advertising is completely absent from YouTube , you can not fear what you see or hear something not appropriate for a Muslim on our channel!Ahlu Sunnah wal-Djamaa/Manhadj as-SalyafiyaНеужели they were created by themselves (or just)? Or they are themselves the creators? (52:35)."And remind, for reminding benefits the believers" (51:55)."Whose speech is better in speech than one who calls to Allah, acts righteously and says: "Verily, I am one of the Muslims" "(41:33)"Verily, indicating good like making it. Tirmidhi 2670.
Просмотров 2334
iPlus TV[10] India’s first official Islamic TV Satellite Channel registered with Ministry of Information. Broadcastingand with a valid uplinking/downlinking permission and approval and is being uplinked from Delhi to Insat 4A @83°E. iPlus TV relays high quality digital programs using latest high end technology. Interviews, talks, discussions. lectures with well known National. International Social, Political, Business, Educational, Religious, Sports. Government personalities so that the society benefits from their deep knowledge and rich experience and clarify misconceptions about Islam and Muslims promoting peace, harmony and brotherhood is an integral part of iPlus TV. For more info visit iPlus TV website
Просмотров 1287
Why Muslims do not shave their beards? Why Muslim women wear the hijab? Why do Muslims have many wives? Why Russian can be also a Muslim? And many other interesting things - all in this blog:) the Channel is not the goal of missionary activity and not an organization which puts before itself such purpose, the channel is purely the source of entertainment content
Просмотров 1077
With a focus on quality production, and through showcasing the best of British and the best of Muslim, the aim of the channel is to make British Muslims feel confidently Muslim and comfortably British.
Просмотров 1041
The company "Heritage" was established to convey to people the true values of Islam, of excellent quality, which should be a true Muslim, the good morals, called for the Qur'an and Sunnah. We want to stop to shed innocent blood crying mothers, not vdavali wife, so that children do not become orphans, and to prevail peace, stability, prosperity and development. We hope that by the Will of Allah, our work will make at least a small contribution to this noble cause, Insha'allah.
Просмотров 899
By subscribing to our Channel and "featured" section, you can support us by adding.Official youtube channel of the website of the young Muslims. Our Channel, Islamic videos, nesid, short films, chats, we have been publishing. Subtitles translated from English and Arabic into Turkish subjugated the conversations of foreign teachers is offered by us.Our main channel
Просмотров 717
Dr Mufti Ismail Menk is a leading global Islamic scholar born and raised in Zimbabwe. He studied Shariah in Madinah and holds a Doctorate of Social Guidance from Aldersgate University. Mufti Menk's work has gained worldwide recognition and he has been named one of "The Top 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World" since 2010. Mufti Menk received the prestigious Jewels of the Muslims World Award from the OIC Today in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia in 2017. He has millions of followers across his social media platforms. Mufti Menk's personable style and down to earth approach has made him one of the most sought after scholars in our time. He has endeared himself to people with his much loved lecture series, a Mufti Menk trademark. He travels the world spreading a simple but profound message: "Do good, help others while preparing for the Hereafter". He is active in the international arena and is a strong proponent of peace and justice, speaking up against all forms of terrorism.
Просмотров 706
At This Channel Every one can see and download All Programs of Betht Educational TV Channel and also lectures of Ustad e Muhtram Agha Syed Jawad Naqvi. Please Subscribe this channel and see first all videos.
Просмотров 692
Youtube channel
Просмотров 606
IQRA TV (IQRA Bangla) (including Iqra bangla) is owned and run by Al-Khair Foundation under the supervision of Imam Qasim. Mainly in English but also runs some Bangali and Urdu programming. Has strong links with PEACE TV and recently hosted the Al-Khair Peace convention jointly in UK. On Sky in the UK and can be received in Europe via Eurobird 1.
Просмотров 373
Salam alaykum everyone, we will be reviewing halal restaurants in the UK, and sometimes internationally as we travel, and putting them up against our 10-Point checklist! Subscribe and share to keep up with the latest.
Просмотров 367
Islamic Cartoon - ICN (Iqra Cartoon Network is a small and up coming animation studio, that creates in three dimentions to produce one glorious vision. Our mission and foucus is to create and help others bring forth good Islamic, Family and Educational Entertainment. So please pray for us. Be part of our team members to please Allah (swt), and let our team produce good Islamic cartoon production for our kids and our next generation. Do good business with Allah (swt).
Просмотров 324
Programmes approximately 70% Urdu, 20% English and 10% Other. Based on Sufi principles of Sunni Islam.
Просмотров 290
Halal Hangouts is the go to place for the Halal foodie. Based in the diverse and cosmopolitan city of London, we bring you our food adventures from all over the UK. Our mission is simple: raise awareness of Halal food and share with you the most delicious content that will make your mouth water. Watch out for our restaurant reviews, features, recipes, and much more. Bismillah, lets eat! ...and don't forget to subscribe.
Просмотров 248
DEEN.TV is the first 24/7 Halal entertainment channel online, bringing you the best in wholesome entertainment. DEEN.TV streams the best halal entertainment daily to your computer, tablet or mobile phone! DEEN.TV airs the most popular halal music videos as well as songs that are socially conscious and morally acceptable. DEEN.TV will start out with music videos (halal, of course), but eventually will include reality shows, documentaries, comedy, and more! With your support, the channel will remain FREE for all.
Просмотров 192
salam alaikum and welcome to my page. my videos are based on spreading the message of islam and answering misconceptions. Also making inspiring videos for the youth to help them join the dawah. You can also watch my reality show on the Muslim Youth Movement channel for the muslim youth. The Reality show
Просмотров 75
The spiritual administration of Muslims of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region (St. Petersburg Mukhtasibat) announces the launch of a unique to the Northern capital of Russia a media resource - TV-channel, covering the life of the faithful Muslims of St. Petersburg.
Просмотров 3
Adam Saleh Vlogs
Просмотров 1
Исламские мультфильмы
Просмотров 0
Исламские мультфильмы
Просмотров 0
Передача "Постранствуйте по земле"
Просмотров 0
В сферы деятельности компании «Золотой Сундук» входит: 1. Проверка бизнеса на соответствие шариату: *Составление и редактирование всех видов договоров; *Онлайн-консультации и выезд на ваше предприятие. 2. Образование и просвещение: *Информационные видеоролики на темы исламских финансов и права; *Обучающие курсы по исламской экономике. 3. Студия графического дизайна и анимации: * Создание детских анимационных сериалов по нормам шариата; * Рекламные, обучающие и познавательные видеоролики по вашему заказу; * Презентации, каталоги, баннеры и любые продукты с графическим дизайном на заказ. Официальный сайт консалтинговой компании «Золотой Сундук»: http://zolotoy-sunduk.com
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