О проекте Новости Афиша Реклама Приложение Праздники Карта Время намаза Вопрос имаму Кибла Радио Блогеры ТВ СМИ

«МРОМ РАХМАН» Мешіті, Подольск қ-да

1 отзывов
Our communities:We hold prayer daily, Friday and holiday prayers in the month of Ramadan, iftar.Learn the basics of religion on the basis of curricula and textbooks officially approved by the Spiritual administration of Muslims of Russia.Conduct the marriage (nikah), events associated with the birth of a child, naming.Conduct burial according to Muslim traditions.Advise on individual issues.We organize pilgrimages to the Muslim Holy places.Organize cultural and recreational activities.Provide charitable assistance.

Подольск қаласындағы «МРОМ РАХМАН» мешіттің келушілердің пікірлерімен танысыңыз және жұмыс уақыты туралы біліңіз. Сіздің рухани сапарыңыз осы жерден сәтті басталсын.
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  • 12:00 - 20:00
  • Ulitsa Revolyutsii, 3, Klimovsk, Moscow region, Russia, 142184
  • http://mro-rahman.ru
  • Показать номер
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2024 Ақп 24 07:10
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О заведении

Our communities:We hold prayer daily, Friday and holiday prayers in the month of Ramadan, iftar.Learn the basics of religion on the basis of curricula and textbooks officially approved by the Spiritual administration of Muslims of Russia.Conduct the marriage (nikah), events associated with the birth of a child, naming.Conduct burial according to Muslim traditions.Advise on individual issues.We organize pilgrimages to the Muslim Holy places.Organize cultural and recreational activities.Provide charitable assistance.

Мы не несем ответственности за услуги, реализуемые организациями, находящимися у нас в базе. Просьба дополнительно уточнять у лиц, предоставляющих продукцию халяль. (31174)