О проекте Новости Афиша Реклама Приложение Праздники Карта Время намаза Вопрос имаму Кибла Радио Блогеры ТВ СМИ


3 отзывов
For 7 years in the Mosque conducted the Friday prayers, festive prayers in the Holy month of Ramadan read Taraweeh-prayers, in the Administrative building of the mosque is a prayer room for women, boiler room, hosts a festive tea party in the days of Muslim holidays, iftar, nicknames, and naming ceremonies, community gatherings of Muslims.

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О заведении

For 7 years in the Mosque conducted the Friday prayers, festive prayers in the Holy month of Ramadan read Taraweeh-prayers, in the Administrative building of the mosque is a prayer room for women, boiler room, hosts a festive tea party in the days of Muslim holidays, iftar, nicknames, and naming ceremonies, community gatherings of Muslims.

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